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Maximizing the Virtual Experience.

Nicole Green

Updated: Mar 19, 2021

4 Ways to Optimize your Virtual Event

Tick tock… no, not that one; I’m referring to watching the actual time go by as we all anticipate the return of live events. As this timeframe is still unknown for the new year, I at least know one thing is certain: Virtual Events are here to stay but it’s how and what you do with them that will make all the difference.

So, let’s start 2021 off on the right foot by sharing with you 4 tools to help maximize the Virtual Experience.

1. Choose a PLATFORM that is right for you.

Let’s face it. How many of us haven’t been on a “virtual conference” or “virtual event” in 2020? It seems like everyone I know has at least experienced an event, whether on zoom or a full conference platform. Many times, I’ve heard from my clients say, “we are looking for a way to do a virtual event that isn’t just a video call”. This is when an actual platform is a great option to maximize the virtual experience. But this being said, virtual events are not a one size fits all. From conferences and tradeshows to internal company incentives and engagement events, find the right platform that has the necessary features to provide the best experience for your attendees. Platforms can be used to provide the following: a systematic and dynamic event hub (aka a full blown conference), to create more interactive experiences and engagement (use it for social or internal company party), or to simply provide a portal to access necessary content (which webinar/video link was that again?).

Find out the best platform that is right for you.

While there are many virtual offerings out there, Illumeet is one of the first companies to offer platforms based on your type of event or need. It offers cloud based tech for digital events that are functional, immersive and user friendly. It has its own ecosystem of products and services that have been custom curated for various types of events and approach virtual engagements through space planning and the attendee journey. If your company has a fundraising, social or other event, Illumeet offers these customized platforms as well.

Bonus Feature

Learn about a bonus feature on Illumeet’s conference platform called Like-Minded Individuals allowing attendees to chat with or email other attendees that are attending the same type of sessions or have the same interests. It’s a fast, convenient and effective way to connect with others during a virtual event.

2. Can you hear and see me now?

We are practically all experts on attending video conferences, but what type of video options are best for your event? To maximize this experience, find solutions that allow great video and audio clarity, can offer multiple functionalities and allow ease of use for webinar or 2-way video conferencing.

Illujoin is a web-based video meeting and webinar solution that offers many of these services.

• Video and Audio Clarity - I am certainly not a fan of video meetings where it’s difficult to see my clients well. Illujoin offers hi-definition video and audio conferencing globally, adapting to shaky connectivity to provide an optimal solution during a broadcasted video or webinar. Extra Bonus Feature - Illujoin is web-based so you do not have to download an application on your computer to run the features.

• Extra Extra Read All About It - During a video meeting or webinar, it’s helpful to have additional features that are useful for the presentation. Illujoin offers the following features available for any type of video meeting: (Request a demo)

• Polls - you can create a poll during a meeting or webinar for attendees to answer during your presentation.

• Personal Media File - You can populate any materials required to be viewed and annotated during the meeting and can be locked or unlocked for attendees to download, These files are stored on your account till you remove them.

• Whiteboards - Add as many whiteboards as you’d like during the meeting to markup and discuss together.

• Shared Notes - You can write notes for private or shared view during the meeting.

• Webinar and 2 Way Video Options

The ease of your video solution offering both webinar and 2 way conferencing allows you to interchange as you need for your events. Illujoin’s webinar video solution allows up to 16 speakers to be viewed at a time and can easily change audience members to speakers at any time during the meeting.

Illujoin is currently offering a free 14 day trial to test.

3. A Dynamic and Engaging Experience

Whether virtual or live, having dynamic and engaging experiences for attendees will make an event remarkable. Look for additional applications for your platform that will engage and entertain your audience.

Here are two new services that Illumeet has to offer.

Illusnap - This digital photobooth offers guests a fun take-away from the event with animated gifs or boomerangs. Attendees can decorate their photos and email it to themselves.

Illutag (coming soon) - This application allows the perfect medium for networking opportunities and question and answer response forums by creating quick 15 second video messages that can be tagged to a specific session or event.

This will certainly be the future of conferencing chatting.

4. Bringing the Content Home

Make a lasting impression at your conference or event by bringing the content home, literally. Through Illuflip’s digital technology, meaningful content can be transformed into creating animated documents for magazines, catalogs, brochures and presentations, all which can be downloaded for attendees to reference back to at a later date.

Learn more about how to maximize your virtual events by requesting a demo today!

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